MasterWorks Studios

Fine Art Services

Aurora - Replace Base

Scope of Project:  Original piece was designed for indoor display.  Base was constructed from wood and the hammered copper figure was supported by a steel flat bar frame.  Client desired to place it in outdoor sculpture garden so these pieces were reproduced in silicon bronze. 

A mold was made of the base and a bronze casting was poured.  The rough casting was chased and the bottom edge ground perfectly flat.  This was then patinated black to match the original base.  The figure and supportive frame were secured to this base then to a larger fabricated bronze base, drilled and tapped, ready for mounting onto granite.

 Original wooden base

Rough casting of bronze base

 Grinding bottom edge flat

Heating & pressing original casting

Marking high spots for precise edge

Hand chasing to match original surface

Drilling holes for mounting & drainage

Casting finishing & colored

Finished piece installed



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